Институт за следдипломна квалификация

55 години опит в продължаващото обучение

Обновено: вторник, 22 декември 2020 18:40

Application call in the testing phase of "Digital Humanist" Erasmus+ Programme in the Field of Higher Education Key Action 2 -Strategic Partnerships Agreement n. 2017-1-IT02-KA203-036707

Erasmus+ Project Overview

The “Digital Humanist” project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union aims to realise, pilot, disseminate and systematise a new University-based learning program focused on digital and entrepreneurial skills useful to innovate the range of products and services to promote and access cultural assets in a digital key, which is an integrated and permanent European framework which, through the change of the methodological paradigm, enables the development of the target skills, with innovative, interactive modes that are adaptable to business and individual needs.


Training experience Objectives

  • Acquiring skills to valorise the cultural assets applying traditional and innovative methodologies and using the most appropriate technologies and innovation to communicate identity and local values
  • Building expertise and know how in the field of the promotion of cultural assets in a digital key
  • Working with the international firms collaborating with the project
  • From students to further professionals: fostering professional and personal capabilities to compete in tomorrow’s job market.


Teaching Materials

All the teaching material will be available online in the DIGITAL Educational TV Programme. The selected students will be also provided access to the e-learning platform with the loaded OERs.

The Open Education Materials are divided in four macro-areas:

  •  Digital humanities evolution: sources and methods
  • 1.2 Cultural and creative enterprises
  • 1.3 Digital heritage: the past in a digital present
  • 1.4 Open access and digital ethics
  • 1.5 Cultural heritage management and sustainable development   
  • Digital marketing research of cultural heritage assets
  • Digital audience and analytics
  • Digital cultural heritage content
  • Digital tools for producing multimedia contents
  • Animation and gamification: creative possibilities for digital communication of cultural assets
  • Digital and social media marketing of cultural heritage assets
  • Social media marketing campaign
  • Digital curation - digital libraries, museums and cultural institutions
  • Storytelling
  • Narrative structure and Web writing
  • 3.6 Mobile media in cultural communication
  • Business model development
  • Starting a new business
  • Start-up management
  • Team Management
  • Financial options and scenarios for Creative and Cultural Industries

Course Requirements and Assignments

Online quiz

This examination is based on the Open Educational Resources and the online materials, for each unit of the OERs students will be asked to answer multiple choice questions.


Undertaking Company Check Up

Students will receive a list of companies, provided by the Chambers of Commerce, they will select one company or more, and working in group (from 3 to 7 students for each Company) or singularly will be asked to analyse cultural communication processes, through:

  • collecting data and information to map strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities to capture ways to guide SMEs in defining the strategic paths to digital transformation processes;
  • conducting interviews (in company site or in university facility, or call conference meeting) with entrepreneurs/managers who will allow to focus attention of the deficiencies on the services and needs to be met, but also on areas of improvement to favour the transformation, in a digital key, of solutions, technologies and language adopted to create the diffusion of cultural contents, thus contributing to the development of a document, possibly even a mediatic one.

Students must ask to sign the NDA and ask if the interviews must be anonymous or not.

  • Create the report


Check Up Report

This report will assume mastery of all material covered during the experience. Students will be asked to submit a report in English or local language of 5-10 pages in word file format (where the cover page and the list of content are additional) with the following provided structure.

Content of the report:

  1. Cover Page
  2. List of report content
  3. State of art (desk research)
  4. Methodology (½ page)
  5. Findings
  6. Recommendation
  7. References

Digital Cultural Stories

Students will be asked to apply the handbook developed by the partnership in order to realise digital stories to valorise cultural asset. Working in groups (from 3 to 7 persons), students with the help of the tutor will:

• screen play the digital stories to represent the cultural assets of a territory increasing engagement and land brand awareness with visual marketing techniques that through a story creates a widespread sentiment

• realise the digital cultural stories.

The videos will be amateur, no specific equipment is required (videos made with smartphones will be accepted) and the activity can be done during the classroom/laboratory hours.

At the end of the training experience, expected for 31st May, students will receive an attendance certificate.



The program may undergo some variation in the dates.


Activities Timing

Access to the online materials from 8th February, 2021

Undertake company check-up from 1st April to 15th May, 2021

Movie education labs from 1st April to 15th May, 2021

Testing (OERs quiz, Check-ups report and cultural digital stories production) within 15th May, 2021