Since the beginning of 2014 the Institute for Postgraduate Studies at the University of National and World Economy is involved in the FIERE (Furthering Innovative Entrepreneurial Regions of Europe) project. The project consortium includes seven partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and Portugal with a lead partner the South-East Regional Authority (Ireland). The project is implemented under the Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig sub-programme and takes place from the 1st of January 2014 to the 31st of December 2015.
The FIERE project aims to support local communities and regional economies by specifically focusing on the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills of people, employed in organisations, operating at regional level, incl. regional authorities, chambers of commerce, clusters/networks, etc. to enable them to develop innovative and entrepreneurial policies and programmes. The focus of the FIERE project is on providing innovative entrepreneurship education to members of a wide range of regional organisations but with a particular focus on addressing the needs of sub-regional community and voluntary organisations that are seeking to develop their locality’s economic and social potential.
The main planned results of the project implementation include conducting training needs analysis among the project target group, elaboration of innovative entrepreneurship trainee and trainer/mentor handbooks and investigation of best practice innovative entrepreneurship skills case studies. Moreover in each FIERE partner region it is planned development of regional network of 20 adult education providers and provision of course to 40 individuals representing regionally-based community and voluntary organisations and other regional entities.